St. Martin Helping Hands International, Inc.

SMHHII reaching across the world
 to inspire hope.

This is a people, born of many generations in a country without citizenship. Hatians who had come to the sugarcane fields of the Dominican Republic wthout papers seeking something there own country could not provide.

Generations of Hatians who have never set foot in their own country but are not recognized as citizens in there country of their birth. Generations of people without a country.

These were hard working people because that is what brought them to the fields, but now the fields have been abandoned along with the people who worked in them.

Working the sugarcan fields of the Dominican Republic was and is working for the government in the Dominican Republic in the form of the State Sugar Council (Consejo Estatl de Azucar). Many of those who spent their lives working those fields for the government have very little to show for it. No medical care for themselves or their families past first aid, no education for their children past the fifth grade and the very barest of shelter is provided. Many haven't a dry corner in a storm. After spending their lives working and living in these conditions when those years of work are over there is nothing to hope for in the future for themselves or their family but a retirement into the dust of need.

The non governmental organization americas watch has denounced to the house of representitives of the United States the human rights violations affecting Hatian cane cutters employed in the Dominican Republic, nothing, in particular, what is considered to be a forced labor regime affecting Hatian children of the plantations of the sugar cane council. Hatians are often deported without benfits of wages. A US State department report, titled,"Country report on human rights practiced of the Dominican Republic" states: "descrimination and violence against woman, trafficing in woman and girls, prostitution, abusive children, descrimination against the disabled, abussive Hatian immigrants and their descendents, and instance of forced labor and child labor are serious problems... The government restricts the movements of Hatains sugarcane workers.... workers in the State own sugar plantations and mills continue to work under unfair and unsafe conditions..... (SMHHII) has been able to help ex-cane cutters and their families in the past with clothes, food and medications, but we are not coming close to what is needed and the only thing that can bring about lasting change is education. Since it is very difficult for the children of the fileds to get an education that is our focus on the future but for that, we need HELP...

Jeannette Kobelt
P.O. Box 3513
Jacksonville, Fl
(904) 236-7155


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